Wednesday 21 September 2022

Fun and interesting interview with the budding author Yasmin A Maher. Check her out as she speaks about her Debut novel "Echo"

Yasmin A Maher who is basically from Egypt has been writing since her childhood. Her father encouraged her by gifting her a printer. Yasmin is an engineering graduate but she decided to pursue her career in writing instead. She wrote the first draft of her novel in 2012 AND then took a break because she had doubts about her writing abilities. She later resumed the continuation of the novel in 2017. It took her six years to complete the novel which including the editing and publishing. Yasmin has been fond of magic, fairies and witches ever since childhood. She has given A profound message to humanity via her urban fantasy novel which is brilliantly penned.


1) When did you start writing?

Ans)In middle school, I wrote several short stories with pictures too. I remember my dad bought me a printer so I can print my stories and show them to my family and teachers. I still have some of them old in my drawer.

2) Do you wish to inspire people through your writing or do you wish to write as a hobby?

Ans)Of course, I wish to inspire people with my writing. Human beings are born storytellers for a reason. Stories can teach us to be kind, develop empathy for others, and recognize real-world issues we need to address. I'm in no way claiming that I'm in a place where I inspire others, but I always try to give value through my stories as much as I can.

3) What inspires you to write?

Ans)I have no idea, really. I can't say it's anything in the outside world. My head is just full of ideas and characters that urge me to bring them to life. So I write about them.

4) What was the whole idea behind penning down the novel "Echo" Briefly explain the process you had go through while editing and publishing your book?

Ans)Since I wrote the first draft of this book so many years ago, I can't remember how I came to the main idea, but I've always been a fan of magic and witches ever since I was a kid. I guess I wanted to create a witch I could relate to.
After writing the first draft of Echo, I was going through a rough time in my life, so I decided to quit writing for good. I went through a long phase of feeling lost and uncertain and a long self-discovery journey that brought me back to my first draft (only five years later). I rewrote and rewrote. With every rewrite, the book and the characters changed as much as I had during my down years. In a way, I'm grateful for how these things worked out because I learned so much in the process.

5) Who are your favourite characters from your novel and why ?

Ans)It's a difficult question to answer. I love Kirby because he's so kind and genuine. He's the friend I wish I had in real life. I also love Viessa because she's very unpredictable. She's the character who surprised me through every revision.

6) Do you really believe in magic and miracles or do you use it as a tool to write fantasy?

Ans)I don't believe in the magic in the form that Echo uses, but I believe in divine powers and miracles happening around us all the time.

7) I really appreciate the final message in your book. Do you really think the world is turning less humane day by day ?

Ans)Given the history of the dark ages the human race has been through, I can't say the world is turning less humane. I, however, believe that we need more humanity and kindness between us. Instead of fighting, we need to join hands to heal ourselves and the world.

8) The familial bonds are amazingly penned in the novel. Do you believe family is important in the modern day where people are opting for live in relationships?

Ans)Family is very important to me, yes. And I intently chose to focus on Echo's relationships with her family and friends more than her romantic life because I don't see this happening enough in books and even on TV. Romance is cool, but family bonds and loving friendships are precious!

 9) Piece of advice you would like to give for upcoming writers.

Ans)Keep going, and don't try to rush the process. Writing and publishing take time. Be patient.  

10) What will you change or add in world if magic wand is given to you?

Ans)What a great question! If I can use magic to do whatever I want without consequences, I'll definitely start with ending all wars. I will undo all the damage done to the environment, clean the oceans, and restore all the forests people have cut throughout the decades. I'll cure all diseases. I'll give a home to all homeless people and a family to every shelter animal. Most importantly, I'll hide my identity so no one can catch me after I do all these things. :D

10) How would describe fairy and witch?

Ans)In urban fantasy, fairies are supernatural creatures with magical powers that humans can't learn. Witches are humans who either have innate magical powers or can use the energy from the earth, nature, or even demons... Depending on the story.

Fun Questions  

a) Your inspiration
My cats. :D I work hard so they can live a good life

b) Any other hobbies apart from writing
I love to sing, play the piano, and spend time with my animals.

c) Your favourite holiday spot
Wherever my family is

d) Your favourite book and film
So many to choose from. :D

e) Your favourite singer
Ryan O'Neil from Sleeping At Last

f) Your favourite writer
So many to choose from. :D

g) The person you love or trust the most.
My sister and brother

h) Your Favourite T.V show
So many to choose from. :D

I) Your favourite dish
Burger :D

J) Do you prefer twitter or Instagram?
Twitter, always

h) What does life mean to you?
An opportunity to learn and become a better person

i) One message for everyone around the world.
Be kind.

Interviewed by Ayesha F Muskaan ©

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